
Thursday, June 12, 2014


It makes no sense how 2 years have already passed but our little boy is now 2!! He has grown so much I don't even know where to begin. He LOVES all things construction related and is obsessed with watching mighty machines. He even knows the names of most of the equipment! He also loves animals and knows what noise they make. He knows the names of colors, but if you ask him what color something is his go to answer is green. He can identify circle, square, triangle, heart, and star. He copies (or tries) everything you say....This boy is all about being outside, playing in the sand box, and bubbles. He rides on his bikes but does not yet use the pedals. He still loves music and has started to "sing" songs (at least some of the words) and does hand motions by himself. His favorites right now are I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee, twinkle twinkle little star, happy birthday, and the wheels on the bus.

His temperament for the most part is pretty happy and laid back BUT we have started having tantrums and screaming on the top of our lungs...NOT so fun. He has successfully used the potty a couple of times and is officially in his big boy bed. He is constantly asking to color and everywhere we go he asks for a lollipop. He still has all his allergies although we will be testing in 2 weeks to see if we have outgrown any of them yet. He weighs 25.8 pounds, is 34.25 long, wears a size 3 diaper, 18 month tops (although they are hard to get on his big head) and 12 month shorts, and is a size 6.5 shoe. He also knows he is 2!!


 Of course all play stops when there is an airplane flys by!

After our play time in the dirt this boy needed a bath, but to make it a special Mommy blew bubbles in his bubble bath! We needed to get all cleaned up to meet Daddy for a birthday lunch at Moe's!

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