
Saturday, November 29, 2014

The final stretch

The boys have done great traveling, all that is left is our flight home!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

4 Months!!!!

This little chunk is such a happy baby! He giggles all the time and loves it when you tickle him. He is smitten over Tyler and all he has to do is look at him and Chase giggles up a storm! He is not much of a roller but squirms all over and turns in circles on his belly.  He does pretty good with tummy time but only likes it for about 10-15 minutes. He still likes to be swaddled at night although it is becoming more challenging because of his size! He is also starting to wear 6 month clothes, although some of his 3-6 month ones still fit. He has noticed the butterflies on the exersaucer and attacks them! He has a great grip and can now check on his toys. His gums have doubled and teeth are just around the corner! He will visit with other people for a couple of minutes but quickly notices Mommy is not holding him and he wants to go back.

He is weighing in about 16 pounds and 3.5 ounces (50th%), 27.25" (98th%), and his head is 44cm (90th%).

Friday, November 21, 2014

Lucky Mommy

I was a lucky Mommy today, Ty woke up and cuddled with Mommy on the couch. It's hard to give him these one on one moments now that he is a big brother so these moments are extra special :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Diaper days

After I discovered his diaper was not exactly where it should be Ty decided bear needs a hiney change too :)

Bath for the boys

Honestly this was not easier but it was faster and they had fun! Ty loved rinsing his brother off.

Tummy time

He is still not rolling over but he holds himself up for much longer now :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big tub

We are finally feeling a little better after the stomach bug but Ty's tub has not recovered so we are using the big tub!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Stomach bug

We needed some fresh air so we went to the park. Ty saw some kids playing in a leaf pile and couldn't resist. He was not interested in playing very much today which should have prepared me for this evening but it didn't. Tyler has the stomach bug :(

Rough life

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Big boy bed

It's his first time in his big boy bed. I am not ready for this, and he is not a big fan of it either...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fall Leaves

While Chase was taking a nap we went out and played in the leaves Daddy was working so hard to clean up!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


He has discovered his hands. He looks at them all the time and is starting to hold onto things. He chews on his hands all the time and tries to suck his thumb but mostly gags himself...