
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Are you ready for some football?

Every Sunday Daddy and Ty get ready to watch the Pats!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day at the fair

Today we went to the county fair! We mostly went for the petting zoo but we ended up arriving in time for a show. I was a little too excited for the cooler weather and dressed in jeans. Poor Ty was in long sleeves and overalls so by the time the show started he was a hot mess and I had to change him. He wasn't too entertained by the show but at the end they had motorcycles in a metal ball and he couldn't take his eyes away!
My favorite part was the petting zoo and watching Tyler's face as we were up close and personal with some BIG animals. You should have heard the laugher when we fed the baby giraffe carrots!! Daddy and Ty fed pellets to the other animals and the silly goats tried to eat the cup! On the way out we stopped at the firetruck and Ty was able to climb inside! Naturally he did not want to come out and made Mommy climb up in there to get him!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Nice toy

Ty has become so fast at sneaking dishes out of the dishwasher that I don't always catch him. When I was cleaning up the playroom today I found my spoon with his tools...This is not good.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Big kid table

Today I babysat Alex and they have a small table for the kids to sit at. Ty really liked sitting in the chair, mostly because he could get up and run around...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tonka photo contest

When we got back from the library we had a package waiting for us from Tonka! We entered Ty in the show us your steel photo contest and he was the winner for the month of August! Our prize was a concept drawing of an ambulance signed by the designer and the actual toy. Now we are in the running for the grand prize in January!!!

Peachtree City story time

We tried out Peachtree City's story time and man was it mass chaos. There were kids everywhere and only a few toys and the teacher read the story standing while all of the kids were running around. It was different....

Snuggle bear

After nap today he was slow to wake up and just cuddled on the couch with bear.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Stay and play

After our story time they have started having a stay and play time. I am usually by myself as Ty walks around or plays with everybody's toys while all of the other kids stay close to their Mommy!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's too quiet

I knew he was doing something because he was too quiet. I found him in the corner of my room in-between my night stand and dresser breaking apart Styrofoam...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thanks Auntie Lori

Auntie Lori gave Ty a lawn mower for his birthday but he is just now ready to use it. Naturally we loved the box too!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Photo project fail...

We went to home depot to get some foam boards for a photo prop. Unfortunatly this was a bigger challenge than I could solve so 2 gentlemen in the parking lot stopped to help me measure and cut the boards and loaded them into the jeep!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Music class

Wear your team to Church

Today is wear your favorite college team to Church day. This was such a fun day! I might have seen 3 other FSU shirts in the crowd but we represented with pride!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Busy day!

We went to Ikea with the Coppolella Family and picked up a couple of things before the new baby arrives!

We played at Ava and Alex's house!

We helped Daddy get supplies at Tractor Supply!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Library time

Today we went to the library for story time but it was canceled! I decided we were already there so we might at well read a couple of books but Ty had other plans...He decided he was going to walk up and down every isle and then figured out a quicker way to get to the next row... After I pulled him away from his new short cut ( and he screamed of course) he spotted a huge stuffed gorilla and started yelling ahh ahh because that is the sound a monkey makes. Another child heard Ty and started screaming with him! I apologized to the Mom who was looking at me like, really?? Then Ty and I went outside to play at the fountain and burn off some of this energy! Better luck next week!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2 year anniversary

It is our 2 year wedding anniversary! We have had so much change in the past 2 years and it has been incredible. To celebrate the three of us are going to Carrabbas! Grandma Kathi will come over Saturday so Daddy and I can celebrate just the 2 of us :)