
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3 Months Old!

Wow the time is flying by! You weigh at least 12 pounds now and wear size 0-3 clothes. You have an opinion about how you are positioned, and most of the time insist on sitting up (even though you can't do this yet). You are VERY strong and hold your head up well. You can really push yourself up when you are on your tummy, and you can tuck your legs under. You open your hands and reach for things and have even managed to hold on to your toys. You love to chew on you fists and have started to suck on your fingers (and gag yourself...) all the time. You are so verbal and love to talk and smile. Most nights you go to bed around 8:30 and sleep until 4. Your hair has started growing back on top, but has fallen out in the back. You are such a happy baby!

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