
Friday, January 23, 2015

6 Months!!!!!!

You are 6 months old! Half of a years has already passed! You love to giggle and Tyler still makes you laugh all the time. You roll over and hold yourself up with no problem. You also sit up but still need support. Your eyes are still blue and your hair is starting to get so long. The doctor said you are still teething but have no teeth to show for it yet! We have started a couple of foods and avocado is your favorite! Sleeping through the night is a long way off and you spend most of your night in our bed...If someone else is holding you and you see me you start to cry for me. You hold onto your feet and babble.

You are 28.75" long (98%), 17 pounds and 8 ounces (45%), and your head is 46.5 cm (98%) although I don't think she measured you correctly. Your wearing 9 month clothes (even though I still squeeze you into some cute 6 month clothes!) and a size 3 diaper.

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