
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Boy projects

Chris helped Kevin plan out and mount his TV and sound bar. Of course this required cutting and mounting a shelf!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Gonyea Family picture day

One of the problems perks with having a sister who loves taking pictures is that she gets all crazy about taking pictures! We had a couple miss haps, mostly me stepping in a puddle of muddy water and a toddler who wanted nothing to do with taking pictures but I think we still did pretty good!


Us girls managed to escape on our own for a little Chinese food, pedicures, and shopping! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kurt's drawing

Uncle Kurt drew a picture of Ty for his art project. I <3 it="" p="">

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Beach ball!

Alex and I went to find a TV stand for Mom's Christmas present and Tyler managed to find himself a beach ball. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Entertaining ourselves is FL

Ty quickly made himself at home at Uncle Kevin's and Auntie Alex's house!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Every time we go to Walmart we stop and visit the fish!

A few of my favorite things...

Tyler is developing so fast and everyday he surprises me with something new. I thought I would share  my top 10 11 favorite things before he does something new and I forget all about them!

1. I love how he sticks his tongue out when he says banana and scrunches his nose when he snorts like a piggy
2. I love how he wakes up and before you are in the room he is asking for juice
3. I love how when he sees a picture (no matter where we are) he assumes Daddy is in it
4. I love how he tries to tell you what everything, even if he doesn't know the word for it
5. I love how he knows his shoes are for going outside and if you ask him to get them he will (and he says bye bye!)
6. I love how he LOVES to play outside and has a fit when you make him come in.
7. I love how he always wants to read books
8. I love how he looks at you and says "no, no, no" when he knows he is not suppose to do something, and then does it anyways (well I love the no, no, no part, not the doing it anyway!)
9. I love that he randomly blows kisses now
10. I love that he is all boy and adores trains, cars, dump trucks, balls, bikes, and climbing.

11. As I was writing this he clearly said his name, and that is just so cool I thought I would add it in!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Business growth

Today I sold my first album and developed packaging for my client :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Chainsaw fun

Even at someone else's house Ty goes for the power tools!