
Friday, March 27, 2015

Sick little dude

Chase is still not feeling well today but at least he is not throwing up today! He has spent most of today in my arms :(

What happens when...

This is what happens when you let a toddler dress himself. He wears a bathing suit top like a boss!

Monday, March 23, 2015

8 Months!!!

Slow down time, 8 months have already passed and my baby is growing too fast! You are very verbal and your favorite sounds are bababa and of course dada....You enjoy blowing raspberries on my arm and pulling me closer by my hair (or ears) to attack with kisses. Your hair is getting long and occasionally curls if you get really hot. You are a pro at sitting and are starting to go from your belly to a sitting position. You rock on all fours but have only crawled once. You are trying to pull up on everything around you. I love your smile and you giggle all of the time. You really are such a happy baby! You have one tooth on bottom on the left and one tooth on the top right, teething has not been easy on you :( Strangers don't bother you as long as they don't try to hold you! You also eat food like a grown man!

You are 18 pounds 9 ounces, size 3 diaper and wear 9 month clothing. Your face is starting to thin out which makes you look like your brother!