
Friday, December 28, 2012

Yucky cereal

Ty is not a fan of food right now, and this is what he does pretty much every time he eats!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bumbo tray

Ty enjoys the tray on his bumbo, well he enjoys knocking things off of the tray!


This was his first bite of carrots...he pretty much spit it out over and over again!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry 1st Christmas!!!!

Our first Christmas with Tyler was an adventure! We had to take a break for Ty to take a nap before we could open all of his presents! What a blessed family we are :)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Some how it is already Christmas Eve and Chris and I are excited for Santa to come visit Tyler for the first time. I know he does not understand anything about Christmas yet, but you can't help but imagine what he will be like when he does know.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Knock Knock, who's there?

I put him on the mat and got into the shower. It sounded like someone was knocking at the door and when I got out this is what I found. He some how scooted forward while on his back and was kicking the tv stand! So much for taking it easy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tristan night!

The boys had so much fun playing with Tristan's birthday and Christmas presents!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Playing today is a laid back event. Your medicine makes you sleepy so we took it pretty easy. You really enjoyed the pedialyte they gave you after your surgery! Unfortunately you are restricted to laying on your back for the next two weeks!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

6 months & surgery day

It is your 6 month birthday, and you are now old enough for your surgery. This was a hard day that started early. We checked in at 6 am and I broke down as I was trying to give your name (it was so bad the nurse came around the corner and hugged me). When they called you back there was a delay in the schedule and since you were hungry this was not a fun time. A nurse had on a headband with bells on it and every time she came by you would stop crying so she let Daddy wear it! Your surgery went great, just over 45 minutes which felt like 45 years. You were so out of it when we finally were able to hold you again, and you slept most of the day. You are so brave. 
Since today is your 6 months, these are your pictures. You are trying to sit up more now, but you are not really interested in moving all that much. You can easily hold on to your toys and love to put everything in your mouth. You look around when you hear things and you get this look on your face when you are concentrating on something you want. Starting solids has been a battle that we are losing for now...You laugh all the time and sleeping through the night most of the time. You still love chewing on your feet, but you also love your exersaucer! You also make so many different sounds and you even whisper your sounds. You are 14.5 pounds and 26 inches long.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello, Good bye

During Tyler's bath he discovered his boy parts. Unfortunately tomorrow is his surgery and he won't be able to play with it for awhile... 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Not interested today Mom

We were spending some time sitting up and Ty decided he was done with his...

Monday, December 3, 2012

All in a days play...

Tyler is big enough to start enjoying his toys, and strong enough to hold himself up and grab toys. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

ACC Championship

Before the ACC championship where FSU beat GA Tech, We went to the Lee Brice concert and tailgated! TOO much fun was had!