Easter started out with an egg hunt in the living room. Once he figured out there was candy in the eggs he was ALL about collecting them all. He would bring me one and say open it. I think he ate all of the candy before breakfast. While he was picking up an egg by the fire place he spotted his easter basket and all of the goodies inside!
One of Ty's Easter presents was a tricycle and he was eager to help Daddy put it together. When that was taking longer than he liked he tried to ride off with the parts that he could!
The only thing left to do was take it out for a test drive!
Coloring Easter eggs was on the list of things to do this week but time slipped by and we ended up doing it on Easter. He loved dropping the egg inside (mostly because it splashed) but Mommy was trying her best to make sure he didn't actually touch any of the eggs... He was not so happy when we were done :(
We ended the night trying our very first peep. It is the simple traditions like these that I am glad his allergies do not prevent him from experiencing. Needless to say he LOVED it and quickly asked for more peeps!